The Gigolo 2 (2016) Storyline: Hong Kong sex comedy The Gigolo returns with a darker and even more salacious sequel, again starring Dominic Ho as the gigolo king who can send any woman to seventh heaven with his top-notch skills and attention. Since working his way to the top of the trade in the last film, Feng is now a club owner with a booming business and disciples of his own. Naive C-list actress Monica (Connie Man) follows her friend into prostitution in order to earn mo-ney for her mother’s surgery. However, her shy and frigid performance in bed turns off the disgustingly rich and sex-crazed clients she services. Determined to improve, Monica seeks Feng’s help to learn the tricks of the trade…
Iris Chung and Teresa Mak in a scene from the film.
The Gigolo 2 (2016) Watch HD Movie Online or Download From HDMovies.PRO . Quality: 720p BluRay HD Director: Kwok-Man Keung Stars: Iris Chung, Dominic Ho, Tony Ho IMDb Ratings: –/10 Motion Picture Rating (MPAA) N/A Genres: Comedy Country: Hong Kong Language: Cantonese | Mandarin Release Date: 25 February 2016 (Singapore) Subtitles: No Yet Other Details: IMDbDominic Ho Ho-man reprises his role of Fung, aka “King of the Gigolos”, now ‘retired’ and running a trashy nightspot in Hong Kong’s Lan Kwai Fong entertainment district. He takes on a rare new client, Monica (Connie Man Hoi-ling), who has reluctantly turned to prostitution to pay her mother’s medical bills. Having been referred to him for carnal guidance after a customer labels her a “dead fish”, Monica inevitably falls for Fung’s charms. [Iris Chung and Teresa Mak in a scene from the film.] Iris Chung and Teresa Mak in a scene from the film.The Gigolo 2 features a roster of buxom bikini babes, including Iris Chung Choi-hei, Hazel Tong Chi-yui and Leslie Lam Lei-han (as another of Fung’s clients, in literal need of “loosening up”), as well as oiled beefcakes fronted by Lam Tsz-sin. But the supposedly erotic comedy fails to perform: the sex scenes are cautious and stilted, the humour desperate and obvious, and the romance woefully naive.
Title: The Gigolo 2 – (2016) Hong Kong sex comedy movies
Added on: March 17th, 2016
Category: Beauty, Cat III Movies
Views: 16,573 views