Dongguan’s ISO sex industry Hot Collection: Collection of Sexy Busty Dongguan Sauna Gals A reporter recently discovered that a website named "9 Sauna Sisters" (桑拿九妹) was posting large advertisements for "prostitute carpooling" (拼车嫖娼) advertisements showing the names of many Dongguan-based sauna hotels and "ISO service" clubs, as well as the various services and prices of prostitutes. Customers could also arrange a door-to-door service taking them to and from the establishments. Unsure whether or not these advertisements were real, the reporter began an investigation.
Title: Collection of Sexy Busty Dongguan Sauna Gals 5
Added on: May 30th, 2014
Category: Amatuer, Amatuer picture, Featured
Views: 10,828 views