wp Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal (Videos + Pics) | Asian Scandal

Li Zongrui 's Sex Scandal

Li Zongrui's Sex Scandal (Videos + Pics)

Pictures leaked – Taiwan Sex Scandal involving 60 Female Artiste/Models & Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 (Li Zongrui 's Sex Scandal)

Update 8/30/2012 new Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal (16 videos)

Update 9/1/2012 new Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal (20 HD videos)

Pseudo Celeb Xu Weien Is Acting Like Real ? Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraLi Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show camera


Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal (Full Scandal)

In the last 24 hours, Chinese netizens have been actively hunting and requesting for a batch of pictures on major forums, social media platforms and mobile messaging applications. The batch of pictures is related to the recent sex scandal in Taiwan involving the son of a wealthy businessman – 27 years old Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞. Batch of pictures leaked - Taiwan Sex Scandal involving 60 Female Artiste/Models & Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 According to a report by 明报 from Hong Kong, 16 pictures and a 13 seconds explicit videos were leaked and widely shared amongst Chinese netizens. 3 different females were involved which includes Kelly Lin 林熙蕾, Amber Ann 安心亞 & Maggie Wu 吳亞馨. Netizens have checked that the pictures involving Kelly Lin 林熙蕾 & Amber Ann 安心亞 were edited but unfortunately, the pictures involving Maggie Wu 吳亞馨 seems to be real. Maggie Wu 吳亞馨 & Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 were in a relationship back in 2008 for 5 months. Batch of pictures leaked - Taiwan Sex Scandal involving 60 Female Artiste/Models & Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 Batch of pictures leaked - Taiwan Sex Scandal involving 60 Female Artiste/Models & Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞

Li Zongrui According to another article, Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 is a well known clubbing-kaki in Taipei-Taiwan. His spendings in clubs have always been generous and almost everyone in the entertainment industry knows him. Female artiste/models are often seen hanging out with him involving some intimate moments from time to time. Multiple witness even shared that he fetch these girls back home quite often and his relationships has an average time span of 2 months(After knowing each other for 1-2 days). Batch of pictures leaked - Taiwan Sex Scandal involving 60 Female Artiste/Models & Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 Batch of pictures leaked - Taiwan Sex Scandal involving 60 Female Artiste/Models & Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 The whole incident errupted after 2 sisters sued him for sexual assault and the police of Taipei City have take on the case where the actualy incident happened 1 year ago. Initial investigation revealed that around 60 female artiste/models were closely linked with Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 and there might be more sexual assault case. Police have released a warrant to arrest this guy where he has into hiding for more than 2 weeks. Batch of pictures leaked - Taiwan Sex Scandal involving 60 Female Artiste/Models & Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 Batch of pictures leaked - Taiwan Sex Scandal involving 60 Female Artiste/Models & Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞

27歲的富二代李宗瑞涉嫌下藥迷姦10幾名女星,甚至趁被害人不知情的狀態下,拍攝性愛照片以及影片,令人髮指,但李宗瑞 目前行蹤不明,警方甚至發出通緝令,15日平面媒體再爆料,受害者還有兒童台的姐姐、奧運明星前女友K,李宗瑞的犯行令人髮指!東森《關鍵時刻》主持人劉 寶傑更在節目上,直指:「他是什麼東西,只是個nobody!」 家境富裕的「淫魔富少」李宗瑞流連各大夜店,身旁從不缺美女辣妹,交往過的女友以及身旁好友大多是娛樂圈名人,包括小S的老公許雅鈞、王陽明、祝釩剛都是他的朋友,每次開party包廂也總是爆滿,因為出手大方、交遊廣闊,李宗瑞不但情史豐富,也很受女藝人歡迎。 不過他外型普通,甚至禿頭、大肚,資深媒體人馬西屏更以「貌不驚人」來形容李宗瑞,劉寶傑也不得其解,對此東森記者林裕豐表示:「他很會行銷自己,像是上了週刊、上了報紙他都很得意,在夜店也很會請客,身邊的小角色會幫他物色女生!」 但也有部分女生,是在昏迷的情況拍下性愛影片,林裕豐說:「只要對方不從就帶回家迷姦,影片裡面玩的花樣多變,家裡還有各種鏡頭,不管什麼角度都拍得到東西。」
The police investigation also revealed that there are quite a number of videos recorded, some indicated that the artiste/models are aware of the filming where some doesn’t. These videos were kept in different folders and were arranged follow by A-Z. It was known that Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 even shared these videos/pictures with his friends before showing off his “personal accomplishment”.
元大董事李岳苍的二子李宗瑞,仗著自己是富二代的身分,竟下药迷姦女模和女星,当中还不乏许多A咖女星。 几年前陈冠希的「淫照事件」,令不少女星人人自危,甚至还有人因此声势大跌,演艺事业受到影响。不料在台湾竟然也爆发出,富二代化身淫魔,不少女明 星和模特儿传出被下药迷姦,且受害人数将近60人,当中还不乏A咖女星。警方查出该名富二代拍摄的迷姦影片比陈冠希还多,手法更变态,不少女星甚至在不知 情的情况下遭偷拍性侵,看完影片后都怒骂「变态」。 这名涉嫌下药迷姦的富二代,正是元大金控董事李岳苍的儿子李宗瑞。27岁的他原名李宗祐,去年曾遭一对姐妹花指控性侵,警方经过1年多来的追踪调查后发 现,竟然有不少女艺人和名模,都曾遭到李宗瑞的迷姦性侵。根据《壹週刊》报导,李宗瑞过去曾和不少女明星交往,包括吴亚馨、林利霏;也曾和名模白歆惠及林 苇茹传过緋闻,感情生活十分精彩。 李宗瑞去年7月遭一对姐妹指控性侵后,检方近日為了釐清真相,调查发现不只她们受害,深入追纵后竟有将近60位女艺人和名模也遭迷姦偷拍性爱影片。 检方秘密约谈这些女艺人,她们看过后都直呼李宗瑞非常「变态!」,不但将过程拍下,甚至还分门别类,资料夹还用被害人的中文或英文名字命名,影片数量甚至 还超过陈冠希。 由於李宗瑞出手大方,在夜店时常会免费提供香檳,酒钱也是他支付,因此也结识不少女星,也成了他下手的目标。他不管对方是否有男友,只要看上眼就会行动。 警方调查发现,这些遭迷姦名模或艺人都有个共通点,都是在昏睡中遭到性侵,如果过程中对方半途醒来,他还会「停机」休息一下,之后趁对方再度昏睡又性侵得 逞,甚至连对方生理期来了都不放过。 性侵完毕之后,李宗瑞还会寡廉鲜耻的说「是妳强姦我,不是我的错」,或是「妳赶快去吃堕胎药」,假装一脸无辜惊讶的模样。正当警方要开始进行逮捕行动时, 李宗瑞却在上月30日晚间8点多苏拉颱风逼近时,住处突然来了一辆搬家公司的小货车,一名辣妹出面结帐后,隔天李宗瑞的座车由这名辣妹开走,他却从此人间 蒸发,连父母、亲友和律师等都不知道他的去处。 李宗瑞在朋友眼中,就是标準的「夜店咖」,台北市各大夜店几乎都有他的足跡,其中他最爱去的,就是在台北101地下1楼的「SPARK」。李宗瑞个性海派、炫富,时常包场请客,花钱毫不手软。但迷姦性侵的事件爆发后,李宗瑞突然人间蒸发,检警现在也积极追查他的下落。
Well for all you know, Justin’s father is one heck of a player as well. 李岳蒼 is the father of 5 kids with known relationships with 4 different women. Like father like son? Nope, there’s no download link for pictures and video for sex scandal Justin Lee/Li Zhong Rui 李宗瑞 but I can tell you that by now it’s all over the internet. Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraLi Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show camera


Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal (Full Scandal)

Over 90 clips of Li Zongrui''s sexual exploits leaked online

More clips of disgraced Taiwanese heir Li Zongrui's sexual exploits have started circulating on the web, bringing the total number of videos to a staggering 93. After surrendering to the police on August 24, Zongrui has admitted to recording and saving a total of 27.5GB of videos and photos chronicling his sexual encounters.He explained that his files were saved into 48 different folders, with each folder containing one to three videos and three nude photos. In total, he has 176 photos saved and his 93 videos amount to 883 minutes of footage.Even though Zongrui has maintained that all the women in the videos were consenting adults, other reports have suggested that his modus operandi was to prowl nightclubs for potential prey before spiking their drinks and bringing them to his room. There, he would engage in intercourse with them, while a camera placed on a nearby surface, such as a computer table, would record the entire process.As the total number of victims has risen to almost 50, it is said that there are those from the triads who are also hunting Zongrui down to 'teach him a lesson' on behalf of some of the women. The Taipei authorities have stressed that his safety will not be compromised as he is being held in a safe detention center.The videos have been widely circulated since his surrender to the police, with numerous gossip sites and adult forums sharing the content. His videos and photos have also reportedly been shared via mobile phones and instant messaging platforms.The police have been slammed for the leak of the photos, but have responded that those circulating are doctored and that actual content has not been compromised. This has raised the ire of citizens, reportedly calling these excuses. Veteran Taiwanese singer Emi Lee has also spoken out against the leak, expressing, "The public service is too inefficient."

Friends and foes of Super Rapist Justin Lee

Kelly Lin (bottom left), and "Peace of mind Asia" Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show camera Television news reveal ... Bai Xinhui, 8 years ago and Justin Lee (Li Zongrui) had a relationshipLi Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraJustin Lee had a fling with Bai Xinhui eight years ago, and Bai Xinhui wasn't well-known yet.They met in a nightclub, she was very impressed with his wealth but she later found the man cheated on her all the times ... He is a "sex maniac" ? They broke up a year later. Maggie Wu tries to commit suicide ...Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraLi Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraLi Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraMaggie Wu fell in love with Justin Lee in 2008 and fell in love immediately ... the rest is history. She eventually tries to commit suicide. Linley Fei is one of Justin Lee's victims/friendsLi Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraLi Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraSingaporean Linley Fei who used to star in "Malaxianshi", aged 35, is much older than Justin Lee. She is a Goddess grade diva with plenty of admirers ... maybe due to her well endowed D Cup physique. Although not formally announced, she and Justin Lee been been seen enjoying spicy hotpot, embraced in the street. You know, thing like that ...Lin WeiruLi Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraJustin Lee was seen in the company of Lin Weiru after breaking up with Maggie Wu one week later ...Lin Wei Ru told the media that "he is not bad either, and made no secret of a good impression on Lee. It is alleged that, they broke up only two weeks later after Lin's friends repeatedly reminded her Justin Lee is a sicko. Blackie crush members Yaoyao (censored)Blackie crush Yaoyao been photographed in gossip magazine with Justin in rather indecent situation. Princess (Jojo) Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show camera It was revealed by her peers actresses that she had taken the initiative to consort Justin Lee. Janice Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraLi Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraJanice is the kingpin, a confidante of Justin Lere.She called a press conference to clarified she has nothing to do with Justin Lee. But media in Taiwan continue to gossip and say she is still the number one suspect ...Michelle Lee Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal, Sex Scandal, hot sex scandal, nude girls, hot girls, girls show cameraAccording to Michelle Lee, rumor has it she too is one of Justin Lee accomplice. 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Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal (Videos + Pics)

Title: Li Zongrui’s Sex Scandal (Videos + Pics)

Added on: August 17th, 2012

Category: Actress, Featured, Scandal

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