Luo Man Yi Scandal - Miss Asia / Miss Guangxi 2009
Miss Asia / Miss Guangxi 2009
羅曼綺 Roman Yee (luo man yi)

Roman is a born a farm girl, and is the second child of a farm family. 她为了过上好生活,做过很多的工作,如销售、化妆品、保险等。 She is hardworking and will do anything to better her family's future and financial success. Her work profile include besides beauty contest she also have done work in sales, cosmetics, insurance, etc. 农家的孩子很懂事,在她身上就得到体现。 Farm children tend to be rather naive, and in her this weakness seemed abundance. 她说这次参加亚洲小姐比赛,并没有告诉父母。 For example she told us that she participated in the Miss Asia contest without the permission or knowledge of her parents. 她说如果成功了,再告诉父母,如失败了,就自己默默承受。 She said that if she succeeded in the contest then only she would tell their parents, and would endure the failure alone and in silence.
2009 年8 月,网络流传一段全裸入浴自拍的影片,被网友称为“ 洗澡门 ”。 In August 2009, the internet leaked a naked bath video taken by a digital camera, was titled "taking a bath at the door." 入镜的女主角,据传是2009年亚洲小姐广西赛区选手罗曼绮。 In the content of the video we have our heroine in it, and is reported to be Guangxi's in 2009 Miss Asia representative Roman Yee. 罗曼绮是广西赛区颇受瞩目选手,她最后夺下了赛事的“最具人气奖”。 Roman-chi represented Guangxi in the finals, she also grabbed the contest's "most popular award."

她参加亚洲小姐选美主要是为了男朋友。 According to some papers, she participated in Miss Asia Universe, mainly for her boyfriend. 她的男朋友是演艺界的,她觉得想要了解男朋友的思想的话,就必须走进他生活的圈子。 Her boyfriend, who is working in the film industry, and she thought of winning his heart by joining the showbiz. 所以她才报名。 So she registered for it. 她说,如果参赛成功了,进入她男朋友的圈子了,离男朋友的距离就近了。 She said that, if she is successful she can closer to her boyfriend. 如果参赛不成功,她将去北京学习怎么做一个优秀平面模特,这也是走进和了解男朋友的路。 She will then go to Beijing to learn how to be a good catwalk model, which is also the way to understanding her boyfriend better.
她才艺方面就是会十字秀、平时唱歌也很好。 In the contest she will be able to show various aspect of her talents, singing is her best talent. 她觉得农家的孩子参赛的最大阻碍就是才艺方面,因为农家的孩子不像城市的孩子从小有机会学唱歌跳舞。 She feels that being a farm child is a major obstacle in any talent competition, since the city kids have more opportunity to learn to sing and dance. 但她觉得亚洲姐是一个平民舞台,有很多人参与,不可能个个选手都多才多艺? But she felt that the Miss Asia is a fair arena, where there are a lot of people from various background to showcase their true talent. 不可能所有的选手都是艺术学院的学生吧? Impossible that all the players are students of Institute of the Arts, right? 她说,不管有多么优秀的选手,为了更了解自己的男朋友,她一定会抓住这次机会,努力去试一试,去展现自己风采。 She said that no matter how tough is the contest, in order to better understand her boyfriend, she will seize this opportunity to efforts to try to show her own style.

Name: 羅曼綺 Roman Yee (luo man yi)
Height: 166
Weight: 47
Education: Undergraduate
Date of birth: 1985/04/23
Family members: father, mother, sister, brother
Birthplace: Guangxi Hepu Baisha Town,
Features: Communication filial
Occupation: office professional
From other sources:
Chinese name: 罗曼绮 Roman Yee
家乡: Hometown: 广西合浦白沙镇 Guangxi Hepu Baisha Town
性别: Gender: 女 Female
国籍: Nationality: 中国 China
出生年月: Date of birth: 1985年4月23日 April 23, 1985
星座: Constellation: 金牛座 Taurus
职业: Occupation: 演艺模特 Performing Arts Model
成就: Achievements: 2009亚洲小姐广西赛区参赛选手,并荣获最佳人气奖 Miss Asia 2009 contestants in Guangxi Division, and won the Best Choice Award
重要事件: Important events: 2009年8月,洗澡门事件 In August 2009, a bath-gate
身高: Height: 166厘米 166 centimeters
其他信息: Additional information: Weight: 47 kg

Update on January 4,2015
Luo Man Yi Scandal – Miss Asia / Miss Guangxi 2009
Title: Luo Man Yi Scandal – Miss Asia / Miss Guangxi 2009
Added on: December 23rd, 2011
Category: Hidden cam, Scandal
Tags: Guangxi, Luo Man Yi, Luo Man Yi Scandal, Miss, Miss Guangxi 2009
Views: 10,407 views