wp Pretty Chinese Chick Gets Fucked by Two | Asian Scandal

Pretty Chinese Chick Gets Fucked by Two

Lin Jing Shan, pictured below, together with her then boyfriend Xie Xin Long, had repeatedly solicited a student Mr.Yan from Feng Chia University to engage in their threesome sex games. Each time Xie took the threesome sex photos and videos in which Lin Jing perform oral sex on one man while getting fuck by the other man (GutterUncensored.com will post the video for download later ). Moreover, the pair contemplated to extort mo-ney from Mr.Yan’s mother after they realize he was alone child. As a result, they did receive $14,000 for the three’s last sex orgy photos on Oct 14, 2007. Lin Jing Shan and Xie Xin Long were both arrested after they tried to get more mo-ney from Yan’s mother. The second extortion attempt was report to the police by the mother. What shocking news from Taiwan! Lin Jing Shan (林静珊) is a 20-year-old girl from Taiwan. Lin Jing Shan and former her boyfriend Xie Xin Long (谢欣龙), 27, had repeatedly solicited Feng Chia University student surnamed Yan to engage in 3 way sex games. Each time Xie took the threesome pictures and videos. When Lin and Xie got to know Yan is the only child in his family, the pair contemplated to extort from Yan’s mother. As a result, they did extort NT$300,000 for the three’s last sex orgy on Oct 14, 2007. Lin Jing Shan and Xie Xin Long were arrested after Yan’s mother who was extorted again at the end of that year lodged a report to the police. Update on January 4,2015 Pretty_Chinese_Chick_Gets_Fucked.rar or Pretty_Chinese_Chick_Gets_Fucked_by_Two.rar

Pretty Chinese Chick Gets Fucked by Two

Title: Pretty Chinese Chick Gets Fucked by Two

Added on: May 23rd, 2011

Category: Amatuer, Group sex

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